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Climate Action Week is about raising awareness on actions and measures we can all do at a personal and local level and to showcase some of the projects and initiatives underway across our County.

The week serves as a platform to inspire action and drive positive change at local level.

Attendance to the Climate Action Week events is free, with booking required for some events.

The following events, listed in date order, are scheduled to take place during Wexford County Council Climate Action Week (Monday 13th to Sunday 19th May, 2024)

If you have any questions about an event, please email climateaction@wexfordcoco.ie

Monday, 13th May

SEAI Home Energy Grant Information Evening

Southend area of Wexford Town

Wexford Town Sustainable Energy Community will host a community information evening for residents in the Southend areas of Wexford Town which will outline the details of the SEAI “Individual Energy Upgrade Grants”. The event will provide an opportunity to discover more about SEAI home energy upgrade options and to find out if your home is eligible.

Time:             7pm – 9pm

Date:             Monday, 13th May, 2024

Location:      St. John of God Primary School, The Faythe, Wexford Y35YT38

Tuesday, 14th May

Enniscorthy Community Allotments Tour

A community allotment has many environmental benefits including reducing food waste by eating only what you grow and eating local produced fruit and vegetables helps to lower carbon emissions from transportation.

Community Allotments can also provide an opportunity to meet new people, learn gardening skills, and improve health and wellbeing. For some people, allotments provide a little oasis to which they can retreat, for others it's the sense of achievement of growing their own food.

If you’re interested in witnessing first-hand how an allotment works, this is your opportunity to do so. 

Time:             1pm – 3pm

Date:              Tuesday, 14th May, 2024

Location:       Enniscorthy Community Allotments Y21T2Y0

No advance booking required.

Community & Home Energy Clinic

Riverside Park Hotel, Enniscorthy

Sustainable Enniscorthy and the Climate Action Team of Wexford County Council will host an Energy Clinic for homeowners and community groups to provide expert advice on energy savings, retrofit upgrades and accessing the various SEAI grants.

Energy Advisors from the South East Energy Agency will be on hand to provide one-to-one advice relevant to your particular home / community building so bring along some details about your home such as ESB bills, approximate floor area, year built, home heating fuel consumption, etc.

Advice will also be available from various contractors specialising in solar panels, insulation, heat pumps and boiler maintenance, as well as finance options available through Enniscorthy Credit Union.

You will receive a FREE TFI Leap card with €10 credit with your one-to-one energy advice consultation when you book in advance. Slots are limited so book early for a time that suits you (link below) or telephone 087-2139870

TFI Local Link Wexford will have a stand at the event so make sure to drop by and find out about their bus services in Enniscorthy. They will also be running a competition on their social channels for another chance to win TFI Leap cards with €10 credit.

Time:             4pm – 8pm

Date:             Tuesday, 14th May, 2024

Location:      Riverside Park Hotel, Enniscorthy Y21T2F4

For further information and to book a time slot, please click here

Wednesday, 15th May

Open Farm Site Visit

Are you interested in seeing the measures farms can take relating to climate action, water quality and biodiversity?

A Future Farm Signpost Programme Open Farm Event is taking place on the farm of Shay Ryan, New Ross, Co. Wexford Y34 W310

Time:            11am – 1pm

Date:             Wednesday, 15th May, 2024

Location:      Rochestown, Cushinstown                                Y34W310

Parking:        Available on the farm

A bus is being provided free of charge from County Hall, Carricklawn (Y35 WY93) to the dairy farm in Cushinstown (Y34 W310). Bus places are limited.

For more information on the event and to reserve a seat, please click here

This event is open to all farmers and members of the public.

Rhyme time (Biodiversity theme), Bunclody Library

Join us for stories, songs and rhymes for 0-5 years.

Time:            11.15am

Date:             Wednesday, 15th May, 2024

Location:      Bunclody Library Y21 E970           

Further details available at: Bunclody Library - upcoming events

All welcome – no booking required.

Bolt eBike Demonstration & Trial, Wexford

By opting to swap the car for active transport (even for just one day a week), you are playing your part in helping tackle the climate crisis. Shifting to active transport helps lower our dependency on fossil fuels and personal CO2 emissions from transport.

Wexford County Council’s Active Travel Department, in association with Sports Active Wexford and supported by Climate Action Wexford, are holding this event, one of many, to mark National Bike week 2024. 

It offers an opportunity to meet with a Bolt eBike representative who can talk you through downloading and setting up the app on your phone and go through the basics of accessing a bike. Sports Active Wexford staff will then assist you try out an eBike in a safe, off-road environment in the grounds of County Hall.

Time:             2.30pm – 4.30pm

Date:             Wednesday, 15th May, 2024

Location:      Wexford County Council, County Hall, Carricklawn, Wexford Y35WY93

Suitability:    Over 18s. Beginners to eBikes or those returning to cycling after some time. Also aimed at those who need assistance with using the Bolt app which unlocks the eBikes for use.

To book your place, please email: cyclingofficer@wexfordcoco.ie

Thursday, 16th May

Learn to Cycle with Balance Bike Buddies, Enniscorthy

(Organised directly with Schools)

A fun, learn to cycle session with Daniella and Emma from Balance Bike Buddies!

Encouraging children to cycle at an early stage not only benefits their health but also gets them into the habit of using active transport which in turn helps the environment.

This event is being organised by Wexford County Council’s Active Travel Department, directly with local schools and will take place at the new Learn to Cycle Park in Enniscorthy.

Time:            9.30am – 2.45pm

Date:            Thursday, 16th May, 2024

Location:     Enniscorthy Learn to Cycle Park, (opposite Enniscorthy Sports Hub, Gort na Gréine, Enniscorthy)

Suitability:  Beginners

For more information, email: cyclingofficer@wexfordcoco.ie

Open House - Nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB), Wexford

A Nearly Zero Energy Building (nZEB) is a building that has a very high energy performance, while the nearly zero or very low amount of energy required should be covered to a very significant extent by energy from renewable sources produced either on-site or nearby.

 If you would like to learn more about this initiative, please come view our nZEB Open House.

Time:            11am – 1pm

Date:             Thursday, 16th May, 2024

Location:      Unit 32, Ard na Gaoithe, Whitebrook, Whiterock Hill, Wexford Y35RFX6                
Description:  3 bed, own door ground floor apartment. Wheelchair accessible.

For more information, please click here

 No booking required.

Energy Efficiency Clinic, Rosslare Strand

Rosslare Community Development Group, supported by Wexford County Council, will host a drop-in Energy Clinic for homeowners and community groups to provide advice on energy savings, retrofit upgrades and accessing funding.
An SEAI advisor will be on hand to explain the various grants and supports available. Advice will also be available from various contractors specialising in solar panels, insulation, heat pumps and general retrofit measures.

Time:             4pm – 8pm

Date:              Thursday, 16th May, 2024

Location:      Coast Hotel, Rosslare Strand Y35Y93X

No booking required. Drop in anytime between 4pm – 8pm.

Friday, 17th May

Food Waste Event, Bunclody

Separating food waste is a positive climate action that we can all make.

An information stand will be located in the Square, Bunclody to encourage everyone to recycle food waste by providing practical advice along with hints and tips.

Food waste is a big issue, as wasted food can sometimes end up in landfill where it will produce methane which is a harmful greenhouse gas; this combined with the resources used to get the food to us, the consumers, and then wasting this food can have significant impacts on the environment. The recycling of food waste diverts this important resource from landfill and allows it to be transformed into renewable energy and fertilisers for horticulture and agriculture use in Ireland.

If you would like to learn more about segregating your food waste drop into the Wexford County Council information stand at the Market Square, Bunclody.

Subject to availability, attendees will receive a food waste caddy, each with a starter pack of caddy liners and an information leaflet.

Time:            11am – 2pm

Date:             Friday, 17th May, 2024

Location:      The Square, Bunclody

No booking required. Drop in anytime between 11am – 2pm.

Ballymoney Community Group – Farm & Beach Visit

Ballymoney Community Group will host an event to help communities adapt to the consequences of climate change, with a focus on:

- Dealing with more dramatic rainfall events

- Flooding, river bank erosion, silt, soil and nutrient loss

- Water management and nature based solutions

Date:              Friday 17th May, 2024

3.00pm - Meet in farmyard at Ballinacarrig, Tara Hill Y25 AN22 – the farm where Ballymoney stream rises. See water retention measures constructed during the Ballymoney EIP project, walk to the farm’s wet woodland which combines water nutrient/silt retention and carbon store values. Bring raingear & boots!

4.30pm - Ballymoney South Beach where the stream enters the sea. Short fieldtrip to Ballymoney stream to see firsthand the issues such as collapsing riverbanks and view solutions from hard engineering gabions to willow planting, to making room for the stream with ponds and overflows in Wood Walls.

Event led by Joe Roche, Paul and Karin Dubsky

Places limited. For further information and to book your place, please phone 087-2139870 or email: climateaction@wexfordcoco.ie

Saturday, 18th May

“Earth” themed Activities, Enniscorthy Library

To mark Climate Action Week, Enniscorthy Library is delighted to provide “earth” themed activities for all the family to enjoy. Story time, a recyclable craft table and a family film are just some of the activities on offer. Perfect for 3-5 years old but fun for everyone!

Time:            10.30am

Date:             Saturday, 18th May, 2024               

Location:      Enniscorthy Library Y21AD92

Further details available at: Enniscorthy Library - upcoming events

All welcome – no booking required.

Climate Action Week: Under the Sea Creation Station

Pop into Bunclody Library to create a sea animal craft. This is a family-led creative event where families are invited to sit down, relax and make some wonderful creations together. All materials will be provided.

Time:            11am

Date:             Saturday, 18th May, 2024               

Location:      Bunclody Library Y21 E970

If you require additional assistance to participate in this event, please contact the library on 053 9375466.

Further details available at: Bunclody Library - upcoming events

All welcome – no booking required.

Bike Picnic and Family Slow Roll, Gorey Town Park

Wexford County Council’s Active Travel Department in association with Gorey Pedestrian and Cycling Association, is holding a fun morning with bike themed events in Gorey Town Park. Events include a short Family Slow Roll in Gorey Town in association with Gorey Pedestrian and Cycle Association. Balance Bike Buddies will also be on hand to teach some basic cycling skills to younger children.  

Time:             11am – 1pm 

Date:              Saturday, 18th May, 2024 

Location:       Gorey Town Park and local streets of Gorey, Co. Wexford

Suitability:  All. Competent cyclists only on the Slow Roll as this takes place on the public streets. Children must be accompanied by an adult at all times.

For more information, please email: cyclingofficer@wexfordcoco.ie 

Climate Action Week Creative Lego Challenge

Come along to Bunclody Library and get creative with our Lego.

Suitable for 7-12 year olds, all Lego pieces will be provided.

Should you require any additional supports to enable you to fully participate in this event, please contact the Librarian on 053 9375466.

Time:             2.30pm – 3.30pm

Date:             Saturday, 18th May, 2024

Location:      Bunclody Library Y21 E970

Booking required. Parents must remain in library for duration of event. Please book for the child only. Phone 053 9375466 to book your place.

Sunday, 19th May

Biodiversity Cycle to Wexford Wildfowl Reserve with Wexford Bicycle Users Group (WexBUG)

A social cycling tour from Ferrybank to Wexford Wildfowl Reserve with WexBUG. Coffee and cake on Wexford Quay afterwards. Supported by Irish Cycling Campaign and Irish Environmental Network.

Time:            11am

Date:             Sunday, 19th May

Location:      Ferrybank (Wexford Town) to Wexford Wildfowl Reserve and back to Wexford Quay

Suitability:   Basic cycling ability – will include some busy road – but mostly quiet roads. Everyone joining must have a roadworthy bicycle, a helmet, hi-viz and appropriate clothing.

For more information or to book your place, email: georginagaul@gmail.com

Additional Events

  • For details of other climate-related events outside Climate Action Week, please refer to the Wexford County Council website www.wexfordcoco.ie
  • Climate Action Week coincides with National Bike Week 2024 which takes place 11th – 19th May, 2024. For further information on Wexford Bike Week events, please click here
  • National Biodiversity Week Ireland 2024 takes place 17th – 26th May, 2024. For details of local and national events, please click here

Supported by:

Office of Public Works logo
South East Energy Agency logo
Teagasc logo
Tirlán logo
Sports Active Wexford logo
TFI Local Link Wexford logo
Sustainable Enniscorthy logo
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Wexford County Council
Frank Burke
County Hall
Y35 WY93 Carricklawn, Wexford
