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Water Matters - A conversation on community involvement and water catchments: Slaney River

The Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) is inviting you to participate in a workshop to help design a model for catchment consultations in Ireland - Catchment Community Foras (CCF). This is a pilot programme and will be rolled out across Ireland after being trialled in 5 pilot catchments. You have an opportunity to help shape these forums for catchments all over Ireland.

     Event Details:
     Date:            Saturday 15th June 2024
     Time:           10am – 4pm
     Location:     Riverside Park Hotel, Enniscorthy

If you are interested in attending, please confirm your attendance by completing the registration form using the following link: Water Matters - A Facilitated Conversation on Public Participation in Water Catchment Management | Online Consultation Portal of the Waters and Communities Office

The Nature Games -
Wexford Cruinniú na nÓg 2024

Cruinniú na nÓg Events graphic
The Nature Games, a free day of gaming, art and creativity for children and young people aged 0-18 kicks off this weekend with a Deep Dive Game Jam. Twenty young people – 10 from Wexford and 10 from Belfast - will develop a new video game from scratch. The mission is to save our environmental future. Climate action teams from Wexford and Belfast have supported the game jam, marking it as a creative way to encourage young people to value the environment and make more sustainable choices. The game will be played by the public on a huge screen at The Night Games, an evening event for teenagers at Whites Hotel on 15th June. Please email gamenightcruinniu@gmail.com for more details.

This event is just one of over fifty happening countywide for The Nature Games, which will use gaming to explore climate action and adaption.

The full schedule can be found HERE

Cruinniú na nÓg is funded by Wexford County Council through the Creative Ireland programme.

Climate Action Week

Speaker at Open Dairy Farm Visit

Wexford County Council held its first Climate Action Week from May 13th – 19th 2024. The week was about raising awareness on climate and sustainable actions and measures and to showcase various projects and initiatives that are underway across Co. Wexford. There was a mix of events hosted by a number of different partners including community and voluntary groups and different sectors over the course of the week with all events free to attend. The full list of events that took place is available here

The Climate Action Team would like to extend its appreciation to all who contributed to making the week a great success and we look forward to an even bigger and better Climate Action Week in 2025!

Climate Action Jargon Buster!

A link to the Government of Ireland Climate jargon buster website which explains common climate action terms in plain English. The explanations are designed to help describe ideas and concepts rather than to give strict scientific definitions. 
Click HERE
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Wexford County Council
Frank Burke
County Hall
Y35 WY93 Carricklawn, Wexford
