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Launch of Community Energy Hub
12th September, 2024 - Wexford Town Library

Join us for the launch of the Community Energy Hub, a new online platform to help citizens with energy advice and find energy upgrade grant information.

The Community Energy Hub was created to help householdscommunity groups and businesses to better understand energy efficiency and help streamline grant and funding information for citizens to undertake energy upgrades for their homes, communities and business.

Hear from speakers who will help you take the first steps towards a more energy-efficient and sustainable home. With expert speakers and practical tips, you’ll come away with the knowledge and resources you need to make a positive impact on the environment and your bank account.

Plus the first of our monthly Energy Drop in Clinics takes place where you can have a one-to-one chat with an Energy Engineer for energy advice.


  • Discover the new Community Energy Hub Platform, your home for all things energy.
  • Save Energy and Save Money: Learn about energy-saving tips for your home and find out how to apply for SEAI grants to make your home more energy-efficient.
  • Learn about Energy Poverty, and how SCEPA, a new European initiative is aiming to address this in the South-East.

Where: Wexford Town Library
When: Thursday, 12th September 11am - 1pm
Presentations & Speakers: 11am - 12pm
Drop in Energy Clinic: 12pm - 1pm

Spaces are limited so register now for free to guarantee your spot
To register, click here 

Community Climate Action Programme: 
Funding Update

Representatives from the 16 groups allocated funding under the Community Climate Action Programme gathered in the Astro Active Centre in Enniscorthy on Tuesday, 23rd July to plan the delivery of their approved climate actions projects.

€669,000 of funding from the Department of Environment, Climate & Communications has been allocated to Wexford County Council, with the aim of supporting communities to take direct climate action and build low carbon, sustainable communities.

Some of the measures approved in this round of funding include:
•  a community e-bike library
•  pollinator planting
•  rainwater gardens
•  solar panels, and
•  various energy efficiency measures.

Our Community Climate Action Officer, Clinton Donovan, congratulated the groups on getting their applications over the line, particularly as the grant was oversubscribed by a factor of three.

Clinton is encouraging other groups to consider their climate action ambitions as it is expected that there will be another round of funding in 2025. 
Clinton can be contacted by email climateaction@wexfordcoco.ie

Green Club Toolkit -
available to all sports clubs (not just Gaelic) 

The Green Clubs Programme was established to support Gaelic Games clubs in taking simple and effective sustainability action in their grounds and activities.

The programme is structured around the themes of:
•  Energy
•  Water
•  Waste
•  Biodiversity, and
•  Travel & Transport

The Green Club Toolkit is freely available to ALL sports clubs and is designed to support club members and volunteers in taking simple action across the five thematic areas listed above.

For further details on the Green Club Toolkit, click here

Heritage Week 17th - 25th August, 2024  

Heritage Week 2024 takes place this year from Saturday, 17th August to
Sunday, 25th August.

Lots of local community organisations get involved by organising events throughout the county. Many of the events that take place during the week are free and the programme highlights the abundance of great work that is carried out across Wexford to preserve and promote our natural, built and cultural heritage. 

Details can be found on Home | National Heritage Week 17th – 25th August 2024 and on the Wexford County Council website. Events will continue to be uploaded up until the 16th August as details are finalised and more events are confirmed.

If you have a natural heritage event planned for Heritage Week, we can help you spread the word. 
Please email biodiversity@wexfordcoco.ie with relevant details.

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Wexford County Council
Frank Burke
County Hall
Y35 WY93 Carricklawn, Wexford
