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September 2024 Newsletter

Wexford Town sees the launch of Ireland's first shared e-scooter scheme

The first shared e-scooter scheme in Ireland was launched on 15th August, 2024 at Wexford County Council Headquarters by Mr. James Lawless T.D., Minister of State, Department of Transport.
Wexford County Council, working with Bolt, Europe’s largest scooter operator, is trialling this shared sustainable transport mode building on the success of the shared e-bike scheme.  

This pilot launch of e-scooters in Wexford Town, for an initial trial period of 6 months, will provide additional mobility choices for citizens of, and visitors to, Wexford Town.

Over 50 e-scooters are now on Wexford streets in addition to Bolt’s existing e-bikes. In total, Bolt will now be providing 100 shared electric vehicles to users in Wexford Town.

Bolt also operates e-bike schemes in Bray, Kilkenny, Carlow, Sligo, Portlaoise and Dun Laoghaire, and ride-hailing across Ireland.

Exploring Nature Based Solutions
to Flooding & Water Quality 
Challenges impacting Communities
Informal Talk & Field Trip: 14th September, 2024

“Friends of the Ahare River” group are hosting an informal talk and field trip as follows:

Date:    Saturday, 14th September, 2024
Time:    10am to 1pm
Venue:  Scoil Ghormáin Naofa, Castletown, Gorey Y25 DY05

The event will discuss the flooding and water quality challenges that are faced by communities, farmers and householders and explore practical nature based solutions.

Guest speakers will include:

  • Associate Professor Mary Bourke, Trinity College Dublin
  • Dr Fran Igoe, Local Authority Waters Programme
  • Prof Ken Whelan, Fish Scientist
  • Climate Action Team, Wexford County Council

All are welcome to this free event (bring suitable footwear for the field trip).
Further information is available from Cathy Lee 087-6254863

Age Well Expo & Home Energy Clinic
 19th September, 2024

Age Friendly Wexford & the Climate Action Team are hosting an “Age Well Expo & Home Energy Clinic” as follows:

Date:    Thursday, 19th September, 2024
Time:    Drop in any time between 1.30pm and 5.30pm
Venue:  St. Joseph’s Community Centre, Wexford Town Y35 A66C

Energy Advisors will be on hand to provide one-to-one advice on home energy upgrades so bring along a recent ESB bill, your eircode & the approximate floor area of your home and receive specific advice relevant to your particular dwelling.
Booking is not essential but you can reserve a time slot that suits you - click here

Find out about the various SEAI grants and browse information stands from specialist contractors in solar, insulation, heat pumps, boiler maintenance, etc.

Information stands include a Digital Hub (bring your phones or tablets), libraries, Local Link, Credit Union and much more. Informative talks from 14:00 to 16:30 on crime prevention, being fraud smart, fire safety and keeping your brain active.

All are welcome to this free event (refreshments served).
Not Stopping Now! Webinar Series

The Climate Ambassador Programme, in collaboration with The Heritage Council and The Biodiversity Officer Network, commenced a series of four webinars during the summer, each focusing on a different aspect of our amazing biodiversity and designed to help us reconnect with nature. 

These sessions showcase nature's incredible ability to adapt, highlight innovative conservation efforts, and explore how we can all play a part in supporting these initiatives.

Don't miss out on the two remaining 'Not Stopping Now' webinars — reserve your spot below and be part of the journey towards a more resilient and vibrant natural world!

September 18th:Birds with bird specialists. Register here

October 16th:Dark Skies with Dark Sky Ireland. Register here


Climate Actions Work Engagement Fund
Application deadline: 4th October, 2024

Climate Actions Work is a first-of-its-kind national engagement and communications campaign to support and encourage action on climate and community resilience. The campaign, led by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications, will focus on hearing from, and working with, local communities – talking directly to people to help combat climate change.

The Climate Actions Work Fund will provide small scale community funding or grants, ranging from €2,500 to up to €10,000, for people and groups to engage in the conversation about climate change. This funding is to support communications and engagement activities that enable you to connect with a wider audience in your community.

Please click here for further details on the fund and how to apply.
The deadline to apply is
4pm, Friday 4th October 2024.

Discover the App that helps you reduce your carbon footprint

Living a more sustainable lifestyle should be one of the ultimate goals for everyone.
The AWORLD App presents an opportunity to do so. It allows you to measure your impact, live your values, and connect with like-minded people who encourage climate action.

With this App, you can understand your footprint through a unique personal footprint calculator which determines where you are in your sustainability journey. 

The AWORLD App, is the official platform supporting ACT NOW, the United Nations Campaign to fight climate change.

AWORLD is a free app. It is available on iOS and Android devices. Children under 14 need their parents' permission to use the App.
Read more

Before we go, just a quick reminder!...
Community Energy Hub Event: 12th Sept., 2024

Where: Wexford Town Library
When: Thursday, 12th September, 2024 11am - 1pm
Presentations & Speakers: 11am - 12pm
Drop in Energy Clinic: 12pm - 1pm

Spaces are limited so register now for free to guarantee your spot
To register, click here 

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Wexford County Council
Frank Burke
County Hall
Y35 WY93 Carricklawn, Wexford
