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October 2024 Newsletter

Coastwatch Europe All Ireland Survey
(Autumn 2024)
15th September - 15th October, 2024

"With climate change, new policies and laws this is a crucial time to have up-to-date information and thousands of eyes on the shore..." 

Coastwatch Europe (CWE) is an international network of environmental groups, universities and other educational institutions, who in turn work with local groups and individuals around the coast of Europe. Their goal is the protection and sustainable use of coastal resources, and informed public participation in environmental planning and management.

Whether you're an experienced surveyor (or a total newcomer!), CWE would be delighted if you could join them in this annual citizen science shore survey.

CWE informs that the survey is interesting, fun, energising and sometimes challenging, and contributes enormously to its knowledge of the coastal rim.

The All Ireland Survey takes place from September 15th to October 15th, 2024!

To participate, click here

Embracing Darkness:
Biodiversity and the Night Sky
Thursday, 3rd October, 2024 

As the world has become increasingly bright at night, what are the consequences for Irish wildlife?

With many species dependant on interactions with the night sky for feeding, breeding, migration and movement, this Dark Sky Ireland talk, hosted by Wexford Naturalists' Field Club, will delve into the ecology of these well-adapted species and discuss the opportunities that lie in protecting dark skies. 

Marina Mulligan, Dark Sky Ireland Ambassador will explore the importance of naturally dark places for wildlife along with the effects of light pollution on ecosystems. Marina is a conservation biologist with interests in habitat restoration, biodiversity conservation and science communication. Her involvement with Dark Sky Ireland began while working at Wild Nephin National Park/Mayo Dark Sky Park where she was introduced to Mayo Dark Skies. As an advocate for the creation of ecological corridors (including dark corridors) that connect species populations, she hopes to inspire others to take positive actions to protect the natural environment. 

Details of the talk are as follows:

Time:    8pm
Date:    Thursday, 3rd October, 2024
Venue:  The Pumphouse, Wexford Wildfowl Reserve.

Non-members of the Wexford Naturalists' Field Club are very welcome. Admission for non-members is €5 which includes light refreshments.

Grants available for communities in County Wexford for projects to improve water quality
Deadline: 20th November, 2024

Image of people holding signage

The 2025 Community Water Development Fund is now open for applications.

The Local Authority Waters Programme (LAWPRO) has opened the Community Water Development Fund for 2025 and welcomes grant applications from community groups in County Wexford and nationwide. LAWPRO is a national shared service working on behalf of the 31 local authorities in Ireland coordinating efforts to achieve good water quality in every county in Ireland.

Speaking about the fund, a LAWPRO spokesperson said: “We are delighted to once again be able to offer community groups grant aid for water quality projects in Wexford. The Community Water Development Fund has supported locally led projects since 2018 and this year the fund changed. Medium to large scale water quality projects are the focus of this call and we welcome applications from €5,000 to €50,000 and beyond subject to procurement”.

The fund supports communities to deliver positive actions for water quality, protection, and awareness through community grants. In the 2024 funding call, over €700,000 grant aid was awarded to 155 water quality projects.

The fund is open to all community and voluntary groups to help in the protection and management of water quality, both locally and in the wider catchment.

The guidelines can be downloaded and the grant application form completed online at lawaters.ie from 18th September with a deadline of 20th November, 2024.

A quick follow on...
don't forget our website for details of
Community Grants & Funding

To all community group, voluntary group and club treasurers...

Please keep in mind Wexford County Council's Community Grant & Funding webpage when looking to source details of community grant and funding schemes that may be relevant to climate action measures.  

This webpage is a valuable source of information detailing what schemes are currently available, terms and conditions etc., and very importantly.....deadlines!    

To access the webpage, please click here

For the Biodiversity-loving Gardeners in our lives....

Have you a garden, big or small? Here's a wonderful booklet packed with ideas on simple ways to help biodiversity in your garden.

It was written by Juanita Browne and illustrated by Barry Reynolds and provides a step-by-step guide to practical actions that you can take to help biodiversity in your garden.
To access, click here

This guide was funded by The Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht through the National Parks and Wildlife Service’s National Biodiversity Action Plan Fund, with support from the Heritage Council and the Local Authority Heritage Officer Network.

...and not forgetting the little ones!

Puffin Rock Habitats is an educational project between The Heritage Council and Cartoon Saloon.

Through a touring exhibition, workshops and activity book, it aims to promote greater awareness and understanding of Ireland's nature and biodiversity amongst families with young children.

The Puffin Rock Wildlife Activity book is filled with games and outdoor activities to help children to engage with nature, investigate Ireland's unique biodiversity and make nature art.

Available in Irish and English, hopefully it will inspire young readers to continue to explore, enjoy and protect our Wonderful Wild World!
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Wexford County Council
Frank Burke
County Hall
Y35 WY93 Carricklawn, Wexford
