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November 2024 Newsletter

Wexford Science Festival
9th-17th November, 2024

Poster of WexSci event
Interested in hearing about Gorey woman, Niamh Shaw's voyage to the Antartic, her stories of penguins, whales, icebergs, the Women in STEM quilt and nature's story of climate change?

Like to explore the transformative power of 3D printing technology and its role in promoting sustainability?
If you'd like to find out more about the above or details of any of the many events taking place during the WexSci Festival, then please click here

Community Energy Hub
Energy Advice Clinic
Wexford Town Library - 13th November, 2024

Energy Advice Clinic graphic image

Got questions about making your home more energy efficient? Then visit Wexford Town Library for a one-on-one chat with an energy expert at its upcoming Energy Advice Clinic!

Date: Wednesday, 13th November, 2024

Time:  12noon to 2pm (15 minute slots)

Location: Wexford Town Library

Pre-registration is required.

To register online, visit Wexford Town Library Upcoming Events or phone  053 9196760 or email wexfordlibrary@wexfordcoco.ie

Whether you’re curious about insulation, heating systems, or reducing your energy bills, this is your chance to get personalized advice on home energy efficiency or upgrades.

What to bring:

  • A recent energy bill
  • Photos of your home (windows, roof, heating system, etc.)
  • Property details (Year built, roof orientation, heating system)

Don't miss out on this great opportunity to make your home more energy efficient!

Young Environmentalist Awards (YEA) 
Register by:  Friday, 22nd November, 2024 

Photo of students holding flower pots aloft

ECO-UNESCO's YEA is a free all-Ireland eco-action programme that empowers young people aged 10-18 to take action for a sustainable future.

Whether it’s science experiments on energy conservation, art projects focused on upcycling, or geography initiatives mapping local biodiversity, there’s a way for every teacher and subject to get involved!

The YEA is free to enter and open to any group (2-25 members) of young people aged 10-18 years in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.

Register by November 22nd on yea.ie.

Applications are now open for a €5m /£4.3m SSE Airtricity Generation Green Community Fund!
Closing date: 10th January, 2025

SSE Airtricity graphic image

The SSE Airtricity Generation Green Community Fund has been established to support communities across the island of Ireland in their journey towards sustainability.

The fund is designed to empower local communities to take an active role in the Green Transition - a collective shift toward greener, more sustainable living.

The Generation Green Community Fund is open to a wide range of groups – whether projects are part of a grassroots organisation working on environmental awareness, a school looking to integrate sustainability into the curriculum, or a social enterprise creating green solutions, this fund is here to support their vision. 

Closing Date: 10th January, 2025. Full details available here

New "Amuigh Faoin Spéir" fund allocations confirmed

On 24th October, 2024, Catherine Martin, Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media confirmed details of the allocations being made to local sports partnerships for biodiversity measures associated with sports facilities under the Participation Nation Outdoor Fund.

Total funding of almost €740,000 is being made available to 30 Local Sports Partnerships to support nature connected projects at sports facilities that are open to community use. Examples of projects include biodiversity pollinator-friendly planting, safe nesting sites for birds, bees and bats, the installation of biodiversity ponds, hedgerow and tree planting as well as rainwater and bog gardens.

The aim of the biodiversity measures confirmed on October 24th is to promote the enhancement and protection of nature with a specific focus on supporting the biodiversity of the surrounding environments on the land being used for outdoor sports equipment.

The fund will be overseen by the department and administered by Sport Ireland.

For further details including details of the Wexford projects being funded, click here

Nightjar Survey
Is Ireland still graced with its presence?
Read on to find out!
Nightjar image (BirdWatch Ireland website)

During 2024 Birdwatch Ireland worked with both Wexford and Kilkenny County Councils to carry out a Nightjar survey in both counties. This is a migratory bird that was once common in the countryside but the with only sporadic records of breeding over recent decades, mostly in the south and south-east, the general consensus was that we had effectively lost Nightjars. 

The aim of this survey was to try and confirm whether Nightjar still remain in Ireland and in the process, to learn more about this enigmatic species to help inform its conservation. The Nightjar survey was coordinated by BirdWatch Ireland and concentrated on some of the most suitable remaining areas for Nightjar in Counties Kilkenny and Wexford.

Conservation Officer with BirdWatch Ireland John Lusby, who coordinated the efforts, explained how the survey was carried out: “We used acoustic recording devices which were set to record bird song in the late evening and throughout the night in areas deemed to be suitable for Nightjar, which were typically low-lying hills with forest plantation and especially recently clear-felled forest surrounded by suitable foraging habitat, in the hope that we would detect the very distinctive and unmistakable song of Nightjar, thereby confirming its presence in an area”.

These survey efforts were rewarded when, within the many hundreds of hours of recordings, and among the songs and calls of many other bird species, the fabled ‘churring’ of Nightjar was detected from not one but two of the survey sites. Subsequent monitoring of these sites provided confirmation that one of these pairs bred successfully, marking what appears to be the only known Nightjar successful nesting in the country.

The survey was funded with support from the Local Biodiversity Action Fund from the National Parks and Wildlife Service.

For further information see the following video https://youtu.be/R00gkg5Qx_4

Climate Ambassador Programme

Climate Ambassador graphic image

An Taisce's Climate Ambassador Programme is Ireland’s first ever initiative to train and support individuals taking action on climate change.

The programme is co-ordinated by the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce with support from the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment.

The programme runs for the full calendar year during which opportunities are provided to meet An Taisce’s Climate Action Officers who give full support and are ready to help in any way possible.
To learn more, click here
SEEA Guidance on Draught Proofing your Home
(banish those crick-in-the-neck causing draughts once & for all...)
Sealant being applied to a window (SEEA website image) frame

Sealing draughts is an affordable and effective way to reduce energy usage, and save money, in any building.

While controlled ventilation is important to prevent condensation and dampness by allowing fresh air in as needed, draughts are uncontrolled, letting in too much cold air and losing valuable heat.

To properly draught-proof your home, seal any unwanted gaps where cold air enters and warm air escapes. This will help retain heat, reduce energy consumption, and lower your heating costs, all while making your home more comfortable and cosy.

For further guidance, click here

To end...enjoy this intruiging story map of Wexford's Wetlands Wealth

Wetlands image (Wexford Wildfowl Reserve)

A story map introducing the rich variety of wetlands that occur in Wexford and why we should value these wild places.

To read, click here
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Wexford County Council
Frank Burke
County Hall
Y35 WY93 Carricklawn, Wexford
