Are you interested in statistics concerning protected, threatened and invasive species in Ireland? Would you like to know more facts about the biodiversity of your local area? If so, we hope this online tool will assist in quenching your thirst for knowledge in all of these areas and more...
Biodiversity Maps is a national portal that compiles biodiversity data from multiple sources and makes it freely available on-line. To access, click here
Threats to biodiversity
Invasive species are species that have been introduced (deliberately or accidentally) by humans, and have a negative impact on the economy, wildlife or habitats of Ireland. Today invasive species are considered to be one of the greatest threats to biodiversity, on a global scale. Species spread naturally, but human activities have intensified that spread by increasing the opportunities and frequencies available to species to expand their range. Preventing introductions is the best method of dealing with the threat of invasive species. It is important to note that it is illegal to deliberately introduce any non-native plant or animal species into the wild.
Submit a sighting
Landowners are responsible to not cause Japanese knotweed to spread on their own land. To report a sighting, please click here