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December 2024 Newsletter

Congratulations! - Anne Marie Kirwan from Tomhaggard Clean Coasts -
Ocean Hero Awards 2024 Winner!

An Taisce Clean Coasts logo

Congratulations to Anne Marie Kirwan from Tomhaggard Clean Coasts who was awarded Individual of the Year at the Ocean Hero Awards 2024 hosted by An Taisce’s Clean Coasts Programme.

The awards celebrate and give thanks to the dedicated individuals, groups, communities and businesses who have gone above and beyond to protect their local coastline and its surrounding environment in 2024. They commemorate, on an annual basis, the invaluable contribution and dedication that Clean Coasts volunteers, groups and communities give towards conserving Ireland’s unique coastal heritage.   

In 2024, Clean Coasts determined six distinct categories, and after hundreds of nominations were received, a total of 30 groups, organisations and individuals made the shortlist for the title of Ocean Hero in each category.

Climate Action Wexford is delighted to acknowledge Anne Marie's success in the Individual of the Year category, and to wish her and Tomhaggard Clean Coasts all the very best in their continuous endeavours to protect County Wexford's beautiful and precious coastline.

To read more, click here  

Artist Call Out!
Redmond Park Commission
Deadline for applications: Midnight, 12th January, 2025

Community Artist Commission poster

Creative Ireland Wexford, Wexford Municipal District and the Environment Department at Wexford County Council welcome proposals from artists and creatives that will work with the community users of the William Redmond Memorial Park (Redmond Park), Wexford, and collaboratively respond through creativity to the role of water there.

Proposals should outline plans for the delivery of a climate-resilient and cohesive project that celebrates and reimagines the historical, current and future role of water in the park, and enables the local community to have a deeper connectedness to nature.

Consideration will only be given to proposals that:
1. demonstrate high levels of creativity;
2. enable a community-led response;
3. explore nature-first principles.

The successful project will link to the strategic visions of Creative Ireland Wexford, Wexford Municipal District and the Environment Department at Wexford County Council.

Artists and creatives from any discipline (e.g. sound, music, theatre, dance, filmmaking, painting, photography, creative writing, painting, sculpting, architecture) are invited to apply. As well as leading and delivering the creative outcomes of the project, artists will be expected to project manage. Some limited support will be available from the Creative Communities Engagement Officer, and the Environment Department.

For more information / details on how to apply, click here

Nature Education in Ireland Video

Image of tree canopy & title of video

Climate Action Wexford is delighted to draw your attention to a video commissioned by the Biodiversity Office of Kildare County Council through the National Parks & Wildlife Service's Local Biodiversity Action Fund. It was produced by Juanita Browne in conjunction with Crow Crag Productions.

The video captures the insights of Dr. Paddy Madden, who is experienced, dedicated,and knowledgeable in nature and ecology education in the Primary School setting. It was inspired by his presentation on ‘nature education’ which he delivered at the Kildare Biodiversity Conference in 2023.

“Nature Education in Ireland” can be viewed here

Birdwatch Ireland's
Irish Garden Bird Survey
25th November, 2024 - end of February, 2025 

Irish Garden Bird Survey graphic

If you have birds frequenting your garden would you like to take part in a survey organised through Birdwatch Ireland?

The Irish Garden Bird Survey is BirdWatch Ireland’s most popular citizen science survey with around two thousand gardens taking part each year.

As the Irish countryside changes, gardens are becoming increasingly important havens for many species, and it is important for us to know how their populations are faring. The Irish Garden Bird Survey does this not only by giving us a good idea of how our garden birds themselves are doing, but also an indication of how the environment is faring in general.

If you would like to take part in this survey or to find out more, please click here

A couple of notes if you plan on feeding garden birds this winter: 

  • Because birds congregate in high numbers at bird feeders, there’s potential for the transmission of some bacteria, parasites and other infections. To avoid this, be sure to clean all feeders and water dishes every 1-2 weeks with a veterinary disinfectant or mild bleach (5%) solution.
  • Spread feeders around the garden so birds aren’t all coming together at one location.
  • Though most of the bacteria and parasites that might affect birds have little impact on humans, it’s important to wash your hands properly after touching and cleaning your feeders.
(Since 2005, some Greenfinches, Chaffinches, Goldfinches and other finch species have been infected with the Trichomonas parasite, making them noticeably unwell for several days before eventually succumbing to the illness. Hygiene is extremely important in efforts to combat this illness. If you notice a sick finch in your garden, click here for further information and advice).

Biodiversity Maps: 
Mapping Ireland's Wildlife

Biodiversity Maps graphic

Are you interested in statistics concerning protected, threatened and invasive species in Ireland? Would you like to know more facts about the biodiversity of your local area? If so, we hope this online tool will assist in quenching your thirst for knowledge in all of these areas and more...

Biodiversity Maps is a national portal that compiles biodiversity data from multiple sources and makes it freely available on-line. To access, click here

Threats to biodiversity

Invasive species are species that have been introduced (deliberately or accidentally) by humans, and have a negative impact on the economy, wildlife or habitats of Ireland. Today invasive species are considered to be one of the greatest threats to biodiversity, on a global scale. Species spread naturally, but human activities have intensified that spread by increasing the opportunities and frequencies available to species to expand their range. Preventing introductions is the best method of dealing with the threat of invasive species.
It is important to note that it is illegal to deliberately introduce any non-native plant or animal species into the wild.

Submit a sighting

Landowners are responsible to not cause Japanese knotweed to spread on their own land.
To report a sighting, please click here

Wishing all our subscribers a very Sustainable Christmas & a Happy New Year! 

Image of a robin (Bird Watch Ireland website)
The Climate Action Wexford Team would like to thank all our newsletter subscribers who contributed in any way to advancing Climate Action aims and goals throughout 2024.

Remember every step taken, no matter how small, contributes to reducing our carbon footprint and saving our world for the next, and many more, generations to come. Never underestimate the power of the collective!

Before signing off, just a few tips on how to have a Green (not white - sorry kiddies!) Christmas (courtesy of MyWaste.ie) and how to reduce food waste over the festive season (courtesy of STOPFoodWaste.ie).

Have a Green Christmas - MyWaste.ie

Everything you need to know to stop Christmas food waste - STOPFoodWaste.ie

Enjoy and keep safe everyone - your contribution is valued and never taken for granted.
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Wexford County Council
Frank Burke
County Hall
Y35 WY93 Carricklawn, Wexford
