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January 2025 Newsletter

Hi Everyone,

Happy New Year! We are delighted to welcome you to our first newsletter of 2025!

We look forward to continuing to keep you informed throughout the coming year of Climate Action related events, news and grants to assist in keeping our Model County as clean, green and sustainable as possible.

Some important items/events from 2024 included the:
- adoption of Wexford County Council (WCC)'s Climate Action Plan 2024-2029 in February;
- hosting of WCC's inaugural Climate Action Week in May which included energy advice clinics (these clinics, in conjunction with the South East Energy Agency and WCC's Library Services, continued to be held throughout 2024 and on into 2025 - see below details of our first 2025 clinic at Bunclody Library);
- appointment of Biodiversity and Energy Officers to our Team;
- launch of the Pilot Bolt eScooter Scheme in Wexford Town in August; and
- roll out in September of the first of the local level climate action projects that received funding under the Community Climate Action Programme
The Climate Action Wexford Team would like to sincerely thank you for continuing to subscribe to our newsletter and for your assistance, past, present or future, in helping us to promote and, where possible, to undertake climate actions to mitigate or adapt against climate change. Make no mistake, your involvement is invaluable to us and, more importantly, to the future and sustainability of our beautiful county. We wish you every happiness, good health and sustainable living for 2025. 

From the Climate Action Wexford Team.

Community Energy Hub / Energy Advice Clinic
Bunclody Library - 28th January, 2025 (11am - 1pm)

Poster with details of Energy Advice Clinic in Bunclody Library

Got questions about making your home more energy efficient?

Join us for a one-on-one chat with an energy expert at our upcoming Energy Advice Clinic!

Date:      28th January, 2025
Time:     11am - 1pm

Venue:   Bunclody Library

Six 15-minute slots available – Pre-registration is required at the library.

This is your chance to get personalised advice on home energy efficiency or upgrades! Whether you’re curious about insulation, heating systems, or reducing your energy bills, we’re here to help. 

What to bring:
1. A recent energy bill
2. Photos of your home (windows, roof, heating system, etc.)
3. Property details (year built, roof orientation, heating system)

Don't miss out on this great opportunity to make your home more energy efficient! 

Register today at Bunclody Library! Spots are limited, so act fast! 

#EnergyEfficiency #Sustainability #CommunityEnergyHub #EnergySaving #CommunitySupport

In cold spells, please don't forget our
feathered friends!

Image of birds at a feeder

The cold winter weather has arrived in earnest this January giving many of us thought to feeding the birds that visit our gardens.

As the Irish countryside changes and hedgerows, wild places and the vital food sources these provide are disappearing, gardens are becoming increasingly important havens for many species to help them survive the leaner months.

 A couple of pointers if you plan on feeding garden birds this winter: 

  • Because birds congregate in high numbers at bird feeders, there’s potential for the transmission of some bacteria, parasites and other infections. To avoid this, be sure to clean all feeders and water dishes every 1-2 weeks with a veterinary disinfectant or mild bleach (5%) solution.
  • Spread feeders around the garden so birds aren’t all coming together at one location.
  • Though most of the bacteria and parasites that might affect birds have little impact on humans, it is very important to wash your hands properly after touching and cleaning your feeders.
  • There is some excellent information and tips on feeding wild birds on Bird Watch Ireland's website Feeding your Garden Birds - BirdWatch Ireland. BirdWatch Ireland is the largest independent conservation organisation in Ireland. The primary objective of BirdWatch Ireland is the protection of wild birds and their habitats in Ireland  

(Since 2005, some Greenfinches, Chaffinches, Goldfinches and other finch species have been infected with the Trichomonas parasite, making them noticeably unwell for several days before eventually succumbing to the illness. Hygiene is extremely important in efforts to combat this illness. If you notice a sick finch in your garden, see below for further information and advice Trichomoniasis (sick finches) - BirdWatch Ireland.

Climate Fresk Workshop
 Wexford Town Library - 28th January, 2025 (2pm - 5.15pm)

Climate Fresk graphic image

Climate Fresk is a way to learn about the climate crisis by playing a game using 42 cards and building a sort of mind-map (Fresk) on a table as a group.

This way of learning allows the group to figure out the causes and consequences themselves and how the parts of a whole interact with each other. This impactful workshop allows for an open and honest conversation about actionable solutions at the individual, community and where applicable the organisational level.

Details of the workshop are as follows:

    Tuesday, 28th January, 2025
Time:    2pm - 5.15pm
Venue:  Wexford Town Library

Places are very limited. Booking is essential – click here

Please note that this event is not open to those under 18.

Biodiversity Maps

Graphic image of Biodiversity Maps website

Did You Know... there is a wealth of information about the biodiversity of your local area on 'Biodiversity Maps'?

'Biodiversity Maps' is a national portal that compiles biodiversity data from multiple sources and makes it freely available on-line.

Areas can be viewed from 10km squared down to 100 m squared. A report will be generated which will detail the flora and fauna in the area (where available). This information has been gathered by organisations and individuals, from both the private and public sectors and is continually being added to.  

For further information see Home - Biodiversity Maps

Business Energy Seminar, New Ross
30th January, 2025 (4.30pm - 6pm)

Flyer with details of New Ross Business Energy Seminar

New Ross Sustainable Energy Community in conjunction with the Climate Action Team of Wexford County Council are hosting a Business Energy Seminar, details as follows:

Date:     Thursday, 30th January, 2025
Time:     4.30pm - 6pm
Venue:   Dunbrody Famine Ship Visitor Centre, New Ross

Come along to receive practical advice on reducing your business energy costs and find out more about the various grants and financial supports that are available for greening your business.

Learn how to avail of the Energy Efficiency Grant from the Local Enterprise Office worth up to €10,000 and find out if your business is eligible for a €2,000 “Energy Audit Voucher” as well as other sustainability grants from the SEAI and the Local Enterprise Office.

Presentations from the Local Enterprise Office, SEAI, South East Energy Agency and AIB followed by a panel discussion with local businesses who have already embarked on their energy saving journey.

Browse specialist contractor exhibition stands such as solar, wind, insulation and heat pumps and talk to energy engineers from the South East Energy Agency.

Financial institutions will be on hand to discuss financing options including green loans.

Places are limited so please register your attendance here

Please add "to stop engine idling" to your New Year's Resolution List!

Care about your air, switch off your engine logo

What is "engine idling"? It is any time your car engine is running but you’re not moving, usually for more than 10-20 seconds e.g. waiting outside school, roadworks, etc.

Why should we stop "engine idling"? Running a car without going anywhere just doesn’t make any sense!

Here are four reasons why:

  1. Environment: When an engine is running, it emits carbon dioxide (CO2 ), the main greenhouse gas responsible for climate change. By switching off your engine when stopped, you stop these emissions too!
  2. Health: Idling makes for worse air quality, which is bad for human health. Young people are at greater risk of the health impacts of air pollution because their lungs are still developing.
  3. Money: Idling wastes fuel that you’re paying for - that just burns a hole in your pocket!
  4. Safety: When cars and buses are idling outside a school, it is harder for students to hear cars that are actually moving, which might be hidden behind the idling cars
If drivers avoided "engine idling" for just 3 minutes every day of the year, Carbon Dioxide emissions would be reduced by 1.4 million tonnes annually – the equivalent of taking 320,000 cars off the road. (Source: Centre for Research into Atmospheric Chemistry at UCC).

Thank you for reading our newsletter.
Until next time, keep safe and well!

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Wexford County Council
Frank Burke
County Hall
Y35 WY93 Carricklawn, Wexford
