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February 2025 Newsletter 

Hi Everyone,

Hope you all had a lovely Bank Holiday, and are enjoying the noticeable stretch in the mornings and evenings. It's great to see the County's flora and fauna bursting forth with such enthusiasm for the year ahead. Hopefully, we humans can follow their lead!

In this month's newsletter, we bring you information on / details of:

-  An Enniscorthy Town Bus Service Survey.
-  A free Electrical Recycling Day in Wellingtonbridge.
-  A Home Energy Expo in Wexford Town.
-  An Energy Advice Clinic in Enniscorthy Library.
-  A Public Information Event for Landowners on Sustainable Land Uses.
-  Heritage Project Funding now available.
-  Further information on the "House on the Beach" initiative.

We sincerely hope you find something helpful and of interest to you amongst the above.  

All the very best!

The Climate Action Wexford Team. 

Enniscorthy Town Bus Service

TFI Local Link Wexford logo

TFI Local Link Wexford are working with the National Transport Authority to introduce a town bus service in Enniscorthy.

To progress the implementation of a designated town bus service, TFI Local Link Wexford, with the assistance of the Conundrum Project, have prepared a questionnaire to provide information on the public transport requirements of Enniscorthy's residents.

To complete the survey, please click here.

TFI Local Link Wexford currently manage four seven-day services that serve a number of areas within Enniscorthy. The town stops are showing usage by those living in the town despite a lack of actual bus stops. This highlights the appetite for public transport in the town. The TFI Local Link Wexford Team and Wexford County Council's Roads and Active Travel teams are working with the NTA to have bus stops installed.

TFI Local Link Wexford is a member of the Enniscorthy Interagency Group who work with a wide range of stakeholders in the town to improve the lives of those living in the town and also work with the Conundrum Project, a research team based at University College Dublin and Trinity College Dublin, in collaboration with their partner TASC.

Conundrum launched a strategy based on the outcome of workshops, focus groups and interviews with local communities and other stakeholders in Enniscorthy since November 2023. The strategy recorded the challenges and opportunities related to mobility experienced by different stakeholders in Enniscorthy. It is a strategy by the community, for the community, to help shape real change. One of those recommendations was a designated town bus service.

Mary B. O'Leary, General Manager, and TFI Local Link Wexford: "In order for us to collate as much information as possible to design with the NTA the best possible town bus service for Enniscorthy we ask people to complete the survey. The results of the survey will be collated and shared with the NTA so we can begin to plan and work towards a seven-day town service. We have no implementation date for the town service, that will be determined by the NTA and subject to funding but we will do all we can to expedite the introduction of the service."

The Climate Action Team of Wexford County Council are one of the stakeholders on the Interagency Group.
Frank Burke, Climate Action Coordinator, Wexford County Council: "As part of the Wexford County Council Climate Action Plan 2024-2029, a register of opportunities was identified for Enniscorthy, as it is our selected Decarbonisation Zone within the County of Wexford. Enniscorthy Decarbonisation Zone requires a reduction in emissions by 51% by 2030 and the addition of an Enniscorthy Town Bus Service would contribute significantly to meeting this target. In addition, it would allow the people of Enniscorthy to reduce their dependence on cars and reduce traffic in the town and would have the added benefit of improving air quality."

Ann Marie Laffin, Sláintecare Healthy Communities Local Development Officer, Wexford County Council: “A town bus service for Enniscorthy is more than just transport – it’s a vital lifeline for communities. Whether you use the bus regularly or only occasionally, your feedback is crucial in shaping its future. I would encourage people to take a few minutes to complete the survey and ensure any new bus service meets the needs of everyone in the town”.  

Free! Electrical Recycling Day
Wellingtonbridge, 13th February, 2025

Poster with details of free recycling day at Wellingtonbridge

Wexford householders are being urged to bring their batteries, electrical, and electronic waste to a free collection day to help the county meet national e-waste recycling targets for 2025.

When:     Thursday, 13th February, 2025 (10am - 4pm)
Where:    Wellingtonbridge - Bannow Ballymitty GAA Club, Grantstown,
                                                  Co. Wexford Y35 KX34

Anything with a plug, battery or cable can be recycled for free on the day, including old washing machines, TVs, toasters and kettles, electronic tools and toys, cables, IT equipment, mobile phones, remote controls, batteries, including farm fence batteries, and even watches.

People in Wexford have contributed greatly to e-waste recycling every year, with 1,646 tonnes of electrical waste collected in the county in 2023 - 10.04kg of e-waste was recycled per person in Wexford in 2023 – falling just short of the national average of 10.33kg per person that same year

In 2023, the equivalent of 222,852 tonnes of CO2 emissions were avoided by recycling e-waste through the WEEE Ireland Scheme as opposed to landfilling. That is the equivalent of the annual carbon consumption of 4,457 hectares of trees.

The event is hosted by WEEE Ireland and supported by Wexford County Council.

Wexford Town Home Energy Expo
Thursday, 13th February, 2025 (drop in from 1.30pm to 4.30pm)

Poster with details of Wexford Town Home Energy Expo

Wexford Town Sustainable Energy Community (SEC) are hosting the “Wexford Town Home Energy Expo” and launch of their Wexford Town Energy Master Plan as follows:

Date:      Thursday, 13th February, 2025
Time:      Drop in any time from 1.30pm to 4.30pm (launch & presentations at 2.30pm)
Venue:    St. Joseph's Community Centre, Bishopswater, Y35 A66C

The “Home Energy Expo” will provide practical advice to homeowners on how to reduce energy costs and avail of SEAI grants for home energy upgrades.

Homeowners will have the opportunity to browse specialist contractor exhibition stands such as solar, insulation, heat pumps, windows & doors, one-stop-shops, E-bikes and much more. Avail of one-to-one home energy advice clinics with energy experts from the South East Energy Agency (bring along your ESB bill, eircode, year of contruction, etc).

Entry is free and refreshments are provided, all are welcome!

Energy Advice Clinic at Enniscorthy Library
Friday, 21st February, 2025 (11am - 1pm)

Poster with details of Energy Advice Clinic at Enniscorthy Library

Got questions about making your home more energy efficient? Then visit Enniscorthy Library for a one-on-one chat with an energy expert at its upcoming Energy Advice Clinic!

Date:   Friday, 21st February, 2025                                                  

Time:  11am - 1pm (Six 15-minute slots available – pre-registration is required at the library)

Location: Enniscorthy Library

This is your chance to get personalised advice on home energy efficiency or upgrades! Whether you’re curious about insulation, heating systems, or reducing your energy bills, we’re here to help. 

What to bring:

  1. A recent energy bill
  2. Photos of your home (windows, roof, heating system, etc.)
  3. Property details (year built, roof orientation, heating system)

Don't miss out on this great opportunity to make your home more energy efficient!

Register today at Enniscorthy Library! Spots are limited, so act fast! 

Sustainable Land Uses – A public information event for landowners
Monday, 24th February, 2025 (7.30pm-9.30pm)

Poster with details of Sustainable Land Uses public information event

This public information event for landowners is being hosted by Wexford Environmental Network. 

Date:      Monday, 24th February 2025  
Time:     7.30pm - 9.30pm
Venue:   Riverside Park Hotel, Enniscorthy.

Topics & Speakers:

  • Climate change impacts in lreland – Professor Conor Murphy, Climatologist, Maynooth University. A researcher into climate changes and member of the Adaptation Committee of  Climate Change Advisory Council advising government on a climate resilient Ireland. 
  • Forestry Opportunities and Supports – Frances McHugh, Forester, Teagasc. A forestry advisor on opportunities for forestry and the supports that are available from the Department of Agriculture.   
  • Forestry Management – Patrick Ryan, Emerald Forestry Consulting Ltd. Forestry and Environmental Consultants, Land Assessment for Forestry, Forestry Portfolio Management, Project Management & Carbon Storage.
  • Microgeneration for Farms – Robert O’Sullivan, Fuinneamh Windpower Ltd. Customised energy solutions with use of wind, hydro & solar micro generation. The only company in Ireland offering a full range of micro generation and 18 years experience.

Facilitator:  Pat O’Toole, Political Editor, Farmers Journal.

The main aims of the event are to:

  • Inform landowners about climate change impacts.
  • Outline relatively smaller scale, practical and affordable solutions (e.g. forestry planting, wetlands protection), to help manage some of the current and future impacts of climate change.
  • Utilise state or other financial incentives to encourage landowners to consider a variety of sustainable land uses, and renewable energy sources.

Refreshments will be available before the event starts in the Seamus Rafter room.

Funding available now for heritage projects
in Wexford!
Closing date for applications: Friday, 14th March, 2025 @ 11pm

The Heritage Council logo
Photo of women making St. Brigid's crosses

The Heritage Council is now accepting applications from voluntary or community groups and not for profit non-governmental organisations in Wexford for its Community Heritage Grant Scheme 2025.

A broad range of project types are eligible for funding under the scheme including:

  • Conservation works to collections, objects or places, including natural heritage projects e.g. control of invasive species or habitat restoration works; conservation works to buildings, including churches; stabilisation works to ruined structures.
  • Surveys, reports, plans, and audits to inform the future management of buildings and monuments, habitats, collections, or objects.
  • Accessibility projects that make heritage activities more accessible for people with disabilities e.g. building ramps, automatic doors, handrails, tactile interpretation.
  • Projects that help people engage more with their heritage e.g. interactive maps, videos, virtual exhibitions, podcasts, websites.
  • Purchase of specialised equipment e.g archival boxing for vulnerable documents, monitoring equipment for humidity or light, interpretation/multimedia equipment, specialised software.
  • Projects that address the heritage of minority groups e.g an oral history project documenting Traveller heritage.
  • Training in traditional skills and crafts e.g. workshops on skills such as roofing, thatch, dry stone walling etc.
  • Citizen science projects on environmental conservation.

The minimum grant that can be requested through the scheme is €500. The maximum is €25,000.

The variety of applicants who successfully secured funding in 2024 demonstrates the positive impact the scheme has across the heritage spectrum. A full list of projects funded last year is available from below: https://www.heritagecouncil.ie/content/images/2024_Community_-Grants_Offer.pdf

A full overview of eligibility criteria and other relevant details are available from the Heritage Council’s website below:

The closing date for applications is Friday, 14th March, 2025 at 11pm. Applications must be made via the Heritage Council’s online grants management system. Funded projects must be completed by 14th November, 2025.

A Zoom information webinar on the scheme was hosted by the Heritage Council on 7th February last. The webinar, which provided general application advice followed by a Q&A session, was recorded and will be available to view on the Heritage Council's website.

And to finish up...some further information on the
"House on the Beach" initiative
(our supplementary January 2025 newsletter initially refers)

An information event on the "House on the Beach" initiative took place in Rosslare on 25th January, 2025.  A creation of artist, Nina McGowan, the initiative will see a house constructed and located in the inter-tidal zone at the Burrow, Rosslare toward the end of August/early September 2025 subject to planning permission. The initiative aims to highlight the urgency of climate challenge and rising sea levels. 

The house will be made of indigenous Irish wood which will be subjected to a process of torching and tarring to make it water proof and weather resistant. It is proposed that the structure will remain in place for four weeks.

Our Climate Action Team colleague and Wexford County Council's Climate Action Coordinator, Frank Burke was involved in the decision to host the "House on the Beach" initiative in Rosslare. Frank hopes the project will assist in raising awareness amongst County Wexford's population of how close to home climate change is. "I would hope that people realise that climate change is happening in this County, it's not in faraway lands, it's here, it's real, it's a present danger and we need to be keenly aware that we do something about it. Coastal erosion is a major issue in Wexford, we have 260km of coastline here and 200km of that is soft coast".

This cross-border project, led by Trinity College Dublin, is being funded by Creative Ireland.
Photo of people in discussion beside a table
Photo of a man and woman looking at a laptop

Until next time, keep safe & well
& climate aware ⛅.
Thanks everyone for your interest!

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Wexford County Council
Frank Burke
County Hall
Y35 WY93 Carricklawn, Wexford
